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Awesome Interview with Bailey Gee


Bailey Gee, a wonderful author and mental health advocate, took the time to sit down with me and answer some questions I had about her Amazon bestseller: The Many Personalities of Me and her new book, Not Another Poetry Book, Just Kidding. I am so pleased to have her as a friend and I am proud to share this interview with you all.

What made you want to write Not Another Poetry Book, Just Kidding?

I wanted to write this book for a few reasons. I had so many poems that I've collected over the years, and I had always wanted to put them into a book. My number one intention was always to help people. Whether it helps someone feel understood, or helps someone in any other way. I just want people who experience mental health challenges to know, its okay, and it will be okay. Those who don’t have mental health challenges, hopefully it gives them a look into my mind, or nonetheless the mind of a person with depression. Maybe people will be a lot kinder.

How long did it take to finish this book?

Not long at all actually. I had the poems already written from back in my teen years, so I collected them for years with the intention of starting a book. It took me a few months from start to finish, to put the poems in order, formatting etc. Not to mention I wrote the entire book on my cellphone, because I didn’t have a computer at the time.

Do you think that this book helped with your depression?

I look back sometimes and read the book, and I think, “Wow, I really felt that?" I think the book has given me some sense of calm and closure. I've finally been able to express everything that I've ever wanted to.

Did having depression make writing this book difficult?

Well, actually depression made it quite easy to write the book. I mean, if I didn’t have depression, I wouldn’t have written the poetry to put into the book. Writing each individual poem, was quite different. Each poem is from a different experience and there are so many feelings attached to each one.

What would you like to accomplish with this book?

My goal in writing this book was to make others who go through any mental illness, bullying, disability etc. feel less alone; feel like they are understood. Maybe those who are afraid to speak up about how they feel, maybe this book would help give them courage and let them know, its okay to not be okay. Emotions are human, and its okay to express them.

What would ‘a letter to my readers’ say?

A letter to my readers: Thank you for making this possible. I hope I have made you proud. I'm here for you - Bailey

Did you share this book with your family?

I did share my book with my family, and the idea beforehand. I'll say they weren't all that thrilled with the idea of me putting myself out there and making myself vulnerable. However, I think they’ve managed to change their minds, and now they're pretty proud of me.

What did you learn about yourself while writing this book?

I learned so much about myself. I learned that I have grown and healed from things I never thought I would. That’s the message I want to convey.

How did you pick the title?

Its an interesting story; how I picked the title. Obviously, readers will know that I struggle with mental illness. So I tuned into aspects of my illnesses and pictured them as different personalities fighting each other. There you have The Many Personalities of Me. My second book, Not Another Poetry Book, Just Kidding, I was just trying to be funny.

What’s your favorite part of this book?

I think my favorite part of this book is the acknowledgements. I finally get to thank those who have played a vital role in helping to get my mental health back on track; that’s pretty awesome.

Where can readers purchase your books?

Readers can purchase my books, The Many Personalities of Me and Not Another Poetry Book, Just Kidding, on Amazon, Goodreads, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Audible, and more.

Thank you so very much, Bailey! I can definitely see this book doing as well as your first one!

Now let's get to some more personal questions.

What do you do when you aren’t writing?

Honestly, when I'm not writing, I'm promoting both of my books. I'm trying to get them into libraries, schools, and trying to get interviews. I eat, sleep, and breathe my book. I don’t stop.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block?

I don’t believe in writer's block. When I'm stuck, I write about how I don’t know what to write about.

Can you describe your writing space?

My writing space is my bed. I just sit on my bed with a notebook and paper, and write. Nothing fancy.

Do you listen to music or have any background noise when you write?

No. I can't listen to music while I write, actually, because I've found that I end up writing the lyrics that I'm hearing instead of what I had intended to write.

What is your all-time favorite book?

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It gets me every time.

What are you reading now?

I am reading Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate.

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Happiness is not by chance, but by choice," ~Jim Rohn

Can you share something that your readers wouldn’t know?

I think the fact that I wrote the entire book from start to finish on my phone, is something that not many know.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was little I knew in my heart that I was going to be a writer.

Do you have a hero?

My hero is a nurse named Freja; a wonderful human who I aspire to be like in every way.

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Determined, stubborn, and kind.

How about a fun either/or section?

Tea or Coffee?


Hot or Cold?


Movie or Book?


Morning person or Night owl?

Morning person

City or Country?

Ouu that’s hard. I like things about both. But I'm going to say country.

Do you have any tips for aspiring authors?

I would tell aspiring authors that the second that you put that pen to paper, you're an author. Whether you ever get published or not, you’ve written something amazingly wonderful, and you should be proud.

And finally, do we have any other books from you to look forward to?

Actually, I am working on my third book as we speak.

I am looking forward to that! Thank you again, Bailey. I am so glad to have had this time with you!

Readers, I hope you enjoyed this interview. Make sure you pick up a copy of Not Another Poetry Book, Just Kidding and grab a copy of The Many Personalities of Me if you haven't already!

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